
Saturday 15 November 2014

Wader Quest World Watch

Time is fast approaching for our world-wide weekend wader watch.

Why not join us? It's simple, just go out and look for waders, send us your list and we will publish the Wader Quest World Watch list to see how many species we can clock up between us!

Do you have a special endemic wader (St. Helena? Madagascar?) Lets join together as a wader conservation community and show our solidarity for these birds that are struggling to keep a toe hold in this increasingly hostile world.

Make a note in your diary
Here’s what we’d like you to do

· Select a good wader watching spot, or more than one if you like, and make a note in your agenda to visit it or them on 29th and/or 30th November.
· See how many wader species you can see during that weekend wherever you may be in the world (even if you can’t get to a wader hotspot!) and send us your list so we can collate a Wader Quest worldwide weekend list (send to
· See if you can get others who may not be wader lovers, especially young birders, to join you and introduce them to the joys and challenges of wader identification.
· Get sponsored to raise money for Wader Quest projects (not a requirement to participate).
· If you are a photographer, send us your best photos from that weekend and we will select some of the best to create the Wader Quest 2016 calendar.
· Above all, have fun and enjoy some quality wader watching!

Come on Join us it'll be fun!

We'll be at Titchwell RSPB reserve Norfolk on the 30th of November, come and say hello and meet some of the Wader Quest team!

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