
Wednesday 31 October 2012

Well here it is, the big day and hot news from Dubai.

The big day is here and we are off to start our Wader Quest at Titchwell RSPB reserve in Norfolk. Can't wait to start ticking them off! Obviously there'll be a blog later about that and regular tweets during the day if we can get access to the internet.

In the meantime, our man in Dubai, Tommy Pedersen has sent me some photos he took yesterday of, not just the Sociable Plovers that are still there, but also a neat looking Caspian Plover, oh how we wish we were there already! Here are the photos to warm the cockles of your heart.

Caspian and Sociable Plover © Tommy Pedersen

Same birds focus pulled (or pushed?) © Tommy Pedersen
Caspian Plover © Tommy Pedersen

Sociable Plover © Tommy Pedersen

Caspian Plover front on © Tommy Pedersen

Sociable Plover front on © Tommy Pedersen
Sigh! I hope they stay another two weeks... some hope! looks nice and warm there though doesn't it?

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